



HK$ 6,888/人

  • 一對一 (私人教授)
  • 12堂課, 各60分鐘
  • 改期次數:2堂
  • 成人
  • 星期一至五
  • 炮台山,香港
  • 你將會學習到有強效的銷售技巧和認識到銷售的心理學。同時還可以讓自己的英語水平提升。
  • 如果你正確使用我們有效證明的方法與技巧,而且常在生活中練習,你將可以提升你的人生和收入,而且把更多價值帶給你的員工與生意。

Great salespeople, the GREATEST people on Earth.

"The difference between an employee and a salesperson is that the income of the latter has no limits." 

The goal of this course: to help you grow from a GOOD salesperson to a GREAT salesperson with the RIGHT mindset, all this whilst speaking in English.
Good or good?

  1. Here's how I teach 

  1. 1. You do most of the talking through Q&A
  2. 2. I point out your commonly-made English mistakes where needed.
  3. 3. I correct your English pronunciation mistakes where needed.
  4. 4. I explain grammar structures that are confusing you.

  2. Develop the mindset of a GREAT salesperson  

  1. 1. You learn the 7 steps of the selling cycle and get deeper into the psychology of selling. You learn how to control the conversation and how to influence people to establish WIN-WIN situations.
  2. 2. We analyse the GREAT who have come before you. What are the commonalities they all share?
  3. 3. Fact-finding is not just asking questions. It's asking the RIGHT questions at the RIGHT time and in the RIGHT way. You learn HOW to ask questions so that your prospect becomes engaged in the conversation.
  4. 4. You learn how you can become value-oriented instead of 'making the sale', how you can put the customer first and how to think like a customer. We compare that with how you are selling right now.
  5. 5. You learn tips and selling techniques that you then apply to your real-life selling situations as assignments and that we discuss in our next session. Yes, you need to practise. If you think it's going to come by osmosis, I suggest you think again.
  6. 6. We perform mock sales situations to practise what we've learnt, test it, become more confident and get rid of that "fear of selling".
  7. 7. You take whiteboard snapshots so that you can revise your class quickly when you have some free time.

  3. Review 

  1. 1. You receive your next listening exercise and we check if you can access it and understand it.
  2. 2. We quickly review what you have learnt, the things you have highlighted during the session.

Your class continues when you leave the classroom

  Why Listening?  
If you choose to learn English with us, you will have to listen to your "assigned" listening exercise each day at least once.
Because this is the ONLY way you will progress the fastest WITHOUT EFFORT, WITHOUT STUDYING.

- But I want to study! I want to study hard!
We got that. And you CAN, if that's what you want. All we are saying is that we focus on the fastest way towards the improvement of your English ability and that is through listening. Not just listening to "something" but to a listening exercise WE give you.

- So what is that?
This is a 1-minute listening exercise in real-life English that you can use in your daily life or business life. Your commitment is to listen to these listening exercises 10 times a day. Do the math, that is 70 times in a week before you arrive at your next class. We call that "your English environment" because most probably you don't have that. The language environment you are currently spending most of your time in is probably in another language than English. Isn't it?
If you sign up for the regular price course, we make these listening exercises tailor-made.

If you sign up for the "4 Pro English lessons @ 50% Off", you have to go with our pre-prepared listening exercises.

Here I taught the student English sentence structure.

Here I taught the student interesting real-life English expressions and English grammar and usage.

Step no. 3 in the selling cycle: qualifying.
Effective selling starts not just with fact-finding but by asking powerful questions.
Wanna learn with a teacher or do you still think you can do it all by yourself?

The Teacher

Mr David

Has over 12 years teaching English experience in Hong Kong to both adults and kids. He simply is a natural. He's got a knack for getting his students motivated and inspired in class!
Inside info: Mr David is eats 1 meal a day. He swears by it and claims that THIS is your life insurance policy.